Alexander Spice is Landy's maternal grandfather, a Civil War
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Alexander Spice, of Oconto,
Wisconsin, belonging to
G.A.R. Post No. 74, (Grand Army of the
Republic) was born in
Quebec, Canada, October 7, 1844. He is the son of Thomas
and Ann/Jane (Logan) Spice. He came to Wisconsin and
obtained employ in a saw mill and as a lumberman near
Oconto, where he enlisted when he was 17, June 19, 1861,
Company H, 4th Wisconsin Infantry for three years. The
company was first known as the Oconto "River Drivers" and
on its organization, Joseph F. Loy was made Captain. The
regiment left the state July 15th, going to Baltimore,
where they arrived on the second day after Bull Run while
the excitement was still at it's height.
They camped at the Relay House
and guarded the railroad communications for a time and
were detailed for a brief service on the eastern shore of
Virginia. They returned to Baltimore and in February,
1862, joined Butler's command and in the spring went to
Ship Island, suffering greatly from confinement on the
transports, and went thence to participate in the
bombardment of Forts St. Phillip and Jackson, and
afterwards went up the river and were engaged in the
destruction of the Jackson railroad. They went next to
Vicksburg where they were employed in the construction of
the famous "cut off." The regiment went next to Baton
Rouge to fight in that action and remained there some
time, performing military duty. They were next assigned
to the Teche expedition and went to Berwick City, and
were in camp Bisland, when Mr. Spice was taken sick,
passed about six weeks in the hospital at New Orleans and
rejoined his regiment at Baton Rouge. The reconstruction
of the regiment into cavaly had taken place and
afterwards the command was engaged in scouting, picketing
and other military duty.
In May, 1864, Mr. Spice
re-enlisted and took his veteran's furlough. He went to
Morganzia and afterwards to Clinton, where he was in
action, went back to Baton Rouge and in October and
November was again in skirmishes at Clinton. In November
he went to West Pascagoula, Miss. and returned to Baton
Rouge. He was in the cavalry movement to the vicinity of
Mobile and went thence through Alabama to Eufaula, where
information was received that the rebellion was at an
end; they returned to Vicksburg after 70 days in the
saddle. During that time they were on short rations most
of the time, receiving about a pound of meal daily and
sometimes only parched corn.
They expected to be discharged
at Vicksburg but were sent to Texas where they were
stationed at San Antonio and Mr. Spice was sent with an
expedition against the Indians and remained in Texas
until the Spring of 1866 when he returned to Wisconsin
and received honorable discharge. While at Olive Branch,
La., he was on picket. The rebels decoyed a squad into an
ambush and Mr. Spice received a severe fall. The locality
was a mud hole and when his horse fell, the reserve of
mounted men tumbled on top of him and he was severely
injured in his back, from which he still suffers.
On returning to Wisconsin he
located on a farm on which he built a house which was
afterwards burned. He is still a resident on the place
and was one of the charter members of the Grand Army Post
at Oconto. He was married October 17, 1866 to Emma
Collins (Emily Mary Collins, born August 28, 1849 - March
30, 1920 ), of Oshkosh. They had 13
Nelson Robert
Spice (1867 - 1868)
Edwin Robert Spice (1869 - 1871)
Delbert Robert Spice (1871 - 1921)
Sarah Lilly (Nov. 26,1872 - Jul 1879)
Olive Myrtle Spice Whitcomb (1874 - 1893)
Clara A. Spice Trepanier (1876 - 1953)
Erna Melvina Spice Fifrick (1880 - 1965)
Mary Elizabeth "Mamie" Taylor Cook (Jun. 14, 1883 - Jan
Nellie M Spice Kinziger (1885 - 1967)
Emily L Spice Kinziger (1887 - 1941)
Robert (Feb. 22,1887 - stillborn)
Elsie Schaetz
(March 8, 1888 - Oct. 24,1966) *** Landy's mother
Mollie Elizabeth Spice Hassenfelt (1894 -
Robert Spice was described in
the Commemorative Biographical Record, as one of the
thoroughly reliable businessmen of Oconto County. In
politics, he was a staunch Republican, and served as a
supervisor of Oconto Township, a school board member. He
was instrumental in organizing the reunion of the county,
which was first held at his home. In his lifetime, he
witnessed the entire development of Oconto County. He is
an honored pioneer, from one of the oldest families of
Oconto County.
Robert and Emily died 2 days
apart over Easter weekend in 1920. Emily died on a cold,
rainy day, March 30, 1920. Robert was also near death and
did not know of his wifes death. He died on April
2, 1920. He was honored as a Civil War Veteran with a
flag draped casket and volley of gunfire by old friends
from Company M. After a lifetime together, Robert and
Emily Spice are buried side by side with many of their
children in the first row of
Evergreen Cemetary, Oconto,
The Spice Family - 1890
(L to R) Back row
standing : Mary Spice Taylor Cook, Erna Spice Fifrick,
Laura Spice (Landy's mother), Nellie Spice
Kinzinger, Emma Spice Kinzinger. Front row seated: Clara
Spice Trepanier, Robert Alexander Spice, Molly Spice
Hassenfelt, Emily Collins Spice, Adelbert
Spice (Robert's father)
served in the Civil War as a private in Co A,
Regiment of U.S. Infantry. He fought in the battles of
Shiloh and
Antietam. He was shot in the left elbow joint
on December 31, 1862 at the
Battle of Stone River,
Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He was given a disability
discharge on March 20, 1863. Thomas returned to live in
Delavan,Wisconsin, where he filed his claim for an
invalid pension. It was determined that he suffered from
a total disability and a pension of $8.00 per month was
granted to Thomas Spice for his service in the Civil War.
This seems like a small payment for the price he paid. Thomas Spice, a native of England, left his job and
mother-less family to fight for his country. This
dedication probably changed his life, and the lives of
his children, forever.

The Spice Girls
Additional photos related
to Robert Alexander Spice can viewed by
Wisconsin 4th Infantry
A special
thanks to Peggy Oberbeck and the Oconto County WIGenWeb
Project for the photos.