Landy's Life

The Early Years

The Cottage Years

Home in Milwaukee

California Dreamin

Viva Las Vegas

Final Chapter

Robert A. Spice

Remembering Daniel

Midget Racing



The cottage, the A-Frame, the Tee-Pee, different names for the same place.  Our summer and weekend home for 16 years.  After selling his race car, Landy bought 300 feet of lake front property on Kunzer Beach Lane*, on the bay of Green Bay, in northeastern Wisconsin.  I use the term "property" loosely because it was basically swamp land that the cows used for pasture.  The township of Pensaukee agreed to continue the road (north) if Landy bought the land and built a house on it.  The road ended before reaching his property.

Kunzer Beach Lane consisted of a tavern ("Kunzer's Tavern", owned by Louie and Nina Kunzer), at the turn in the road, with five small rental units.  The rentals can be seen in the photo to the right (click to enlarge), dated Dec. 1958.  There was one cottage between the Kunzer rentals and Landy's A-Frame, the Vanden Brook cottage. Landy bought the land in the late fall of 1960 from the Synder's and built an A-Frame cottage the following summer.  Landy's A-Frame was the second cottage built on Kunzer Beach Lane.  There was a master bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and living room downstairs and two bedrooms on the second floor for the kids.  With the completion of the cottage in 1961, the road was built.  While it's been repaved and sewers added, the road ends right where it did in 1961.  Several more cottages/homes (Synder, Strass, Jacobson, Nichol, and Metz) popped up to the north within a few years.  Two additional cottages were added south of Landy's (Spice and Ray K.).

Landy built three more cottages over the years and remodeled two others.  One of the remodel jobs was helping join two of the rentals together for Louie & Nina Kunzer.  He remodeled his own too many times to count.  The door ended up on all four sides at one time or another and dormers and porches came and went with the season.  When he finally got it the way he wanted it, he sold it and moved to California....but I'm getting ahead of myself.

From spring until late fall we enjoyed boating, swimming, water skiing, fishing, hunting, horse back riding and archery.  Life was good.  The photos below will provide you with an idea of all the fun that we had over the years.

To date, August 2023, two of the four cottages that Landy built still stand.  2782, orginally Kutner's and Osten's at 2752 Kunzer Beach Lane.  Besides building cottages, Landy also designed a few, including Lehn's and Kutner's as well as one for Allen Nichol.  Jim Nichol's son, Allen, wanted a modified A-Frame, so Landy schetched then built a scale mock up of one that was then built.  While Landy didn't have a hand in building it, he gets points for design.  Click here to see photos.

The A-Frame, End of an Era, 1961 – 2019
From Landy to Randy, the saga continues

Landy and Dorothy’s dream came to an end without fanfare after 58 years on July 16, 2019.  The once unique A-Frame was torn down to make room for a new and larger home on the bay.  While our memories will never die, seeing the photos of the dismantling was heart breaking.  I hope the new “home” brings as many beautiful memories to the new owners as the original did for the Scott family and the many friends who visited over the 16 years that we owned it. 

While Landy would be sad to see his cottage fall, he would be very proud of all of the trees that he and Dorothy planted so many years ago.  Landy's legacy on Kunzer Beach Lane will never die.

*** The following note, regarding the A-Frame, is from a dear friend, Barb Byron (Kunzer),
who lives in a home that replaced the second cottage
(Donny and Helen Lehn’s A-Frame) built by Landy Scott.

As you know... Tom Roland sold the property... then he died... anyhow, the new owner, nice fella named Randy, tried to get building permits to expand or remodel so they would have lots of bedrooms, etc... [they have lots and lots of grandchildren... all young]... but he got denied…seems the high water mark is IN the middle of the structure.....SO.... they are tearing everything down and will rebuild on the existing footprint.  Army Corp/DNR are being lenient they say... due to the high-water issues....  so, the end of an era and beginning of a new...they have hired a top contractor out of De Pere....  I am certain it will be awesome, and your builder/Dad is watching from up high.

Entire place was down by 11:30 am.  I guess they will haul it away tomorrow... nice thing was that they sold or gave away to places like re-store everything that could be removed reused-- .... windows, doors, fixtures, cabinets, etc... wanted to put as little as possible in land fill it seems... 

When Tom was still alive, he was hoping to take the A frame apart and move it to an open lot on the road.  He'd even negotiate to get the lot but that was not to be. I would bet he and your Dad are watching all this happening!!

Always, Barb [on Kunzer Beach...]

* 2772 Kunzer Beach Lane, Little Suamico, Wisconsin

Click on each photo below to enlarge and view - many of the slides have
multiple images per page
detailing the history of Kunzer Beach Lane beginning in 1959.
Click on each one so you don't miss any.

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